Put My Experience To Work For You
State Misdemeanor Charges
Misdemeanor Charges
Any criminal charge is a serious matter. Being convicted of any criminal offense, even a misdemeanor, could cost you your job, impact your future employment opportunities or adversely affect your ability to pursue educational opportunities. A conviction for certain offenses could result in severe criminal and civil penalties, including a jail sentence, probation, court-ordered community service, driver’s license suspension, court-ordered treatment, monetary fines and even a loss of basic liberties.
If your legal rights are at stake, protect your rights by retaining a highly qualified criminal defense attorney who is committed to providing a strong defense on your behalf. In Mississippi, you can find the knowledgeable and dedicated representation you require at Joe M. Hollomon & Associates.
Our founding attorney, Joe M. Hollomon, is a former prosecutor who has been handling criminal law cases for more than 40 years. We defend clients who are charged with a broad range of misdemeanor offenses, including:
- Boating DUI
- Drug possession
- Simple assault
- Theft or shoplifting
- Domestic violence
- Other misdemeanor offenses
Jackson Misdemeanor Crimes Defense Attorney | Hattiesburg DUI, Simple Assault and Misdemeanor Defense Lawyer
Protecting Your Record and Rights
People who are charged with a misdemeanor offense are concerned about the impact a criminal conviction can have on their record and rights. While no attorney can guarantee a particular result in your case, it does help to have a seasoned criminal defense lawyer and former prosecutor working on your behalf. You can be confident that we take your legal matter very seriously and understand the impact a conviction can have on your future. We are deeply committed to each of our clients and work hard to protect their freedom, record and rights.
We will work diligently to resolve your case as effectively as possible. Misdemeanor cases can often be resolved short of trial in a manner which protects a client’s record or which results in less serious penalties. When a satisfactory resolution cannot be obtained by agreement with the prosecution, we have the trial experience necessary to vigorously defend your rights at trial.
Experience that makes a Difference
Our defense attorney, Joe M. Hollomon, is a former federal prosecutor. With more than 30 years of experience in criminal law cases, Joe M. Hollomon is prepared to provide the strong defense you need.
Joe M. Hollomon has handled federal firearms cases both as a prosecutor and as a defense lawyer. He understands how to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution’s case to provide clients with a candid assessment of their cases and develop a strong defense on their behalf.
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney | More Than 40 years of Experience
Legal Practice Areas

Federal Criminal Defense
- All federal drug crimes
- White collar crimes
- mail fraud/wire fraud
- conspiracy
- healthcare fraud
- money-laundering
- bribery
- Violent crimes
- Sex crimes
- Firearms offenses

Federal Drug Charges
- Possession and possession with intent to distribute and manufacturing
- Prescription drug crimes including diversion
- Drug distribution and trafficking
- RICO and continuing criminal enterprise
- Defense of seizures and forfeitures under CAFRA (Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act)

Federal Firearms Violations
- Possession of a firearm or ammunition by a felon
- Possession of a stolen firearm
- Possession of an illegal firearm or destructive device
- False statement or representation in connection with acquiring or possessing a firearm
- Using or carrying a firearm in relation to any crime of violence or drug trafficking crime

State Felony Charges
- violent crimes
- sex crimes
- drug distribution and trafficking
- aggravated assault
- robbery
- burglary
- other felony offenses

State misdemeanor charges
- drug possession
- simple assault
- shoplifting charges

White Collar Crimes
- fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, health care fraud
- embezzlement
- bribery
- interstate crimes
- RICO charges
- conspiracy charges
- grand jury matters